Welcome Back to West Campus Dental!

Complete Online Patient Consent | Complete Online Staff Consent

To all of our Valued Patients:

We hope that you and your family are in good health and remain safe during this challenging time. Our community has been through a great deal during the past few months and we all hope to resume our normal habits and routines in the very near future.  However, while many things have changed, one thing has remained constant: our commitment to you, our patients.

Infection control and providing a safe environment for your ongoing dental care has always been our top priority. We want to stress to you that our infection control procedures are meant to keep both clients and staff safe at all times. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have adopted additional measures to enhance the safety of our procedures and controls, and we have made every effort to be compliant with new regulations and guidelines outlined by the Alberta Dental Association & College, the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta, and the College of Alberta Dental Assistants.

You may note some changes prior to and at the time of your next appointment in our office as the following protocols have been implemented:

  • Pre-screening and confirmation of all patients prior to a given appointment and again at the time of the patient’s entry into our office. Each patient will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire within 24 hours of his or her appointment time.
  • Temperature checks for all patients upon entry into the office.
  • You will find hand sanitizer at the front door and throughout the office. We ask that, if possible, you bring and wear a mask when you enter the office. If you do not have one, we will provide one for you.
  • Our waiting room no longer has magazines or bottled water and our two iPad stations for children are presently shut down as all of the items are difficult to clean and to disinfect properly.
  • Seating in our waiting room has been reduced with an increased spacing of those chairs present in order to allow for proper social distancing.
  • Appointments will be staggered and managed to allow for social distancing between patients as well as staff. You will be asked to wait outside the office upon your arrival and to phone the office to let us know that you have arrived for your appointment.
  • We will limit the number of patients in the practice area at any given time. We also ask that, if possible, you come alone to your appointment unless a parent/guardian or caregiver needs to be present.
  • Glass shields have been installed at the reception desk to ensure the safety of both patients and staff as social distancing cannot be maintained during interactions with our front desk staff.
  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all clinical and administrative staff will be worn as necessary. This includes masks for all team members when indicated as well as face shields and gowns for the clinical team as required.
  • Ongoing routine cleaning and disinfection of the reception area and restrooms will be completed.
  • Overall health assessments as well as temperature checks of all staff members will be completed twice during each clinical day.
  • Extra time will be scheduled between patient appointments to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfection of treatment rooms and equipment. Please note that your regular appointment times may change because of this new clinical reality.

While we are re-opening shortly, please note that we currently have a detailed list of patients who have various dental emergencies and dental issues that we will need to assess first. We also have a large backlog of patients who have missed their previously scheduled hygiene appointments.

Please be patient with us as we work to book everyone back into our schedule in a timely fashion. Over the next few weeks, our staff will be contacting those patients with overdue and missed appointments in order to re-schedule appointments that were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as all of those patients who contacted us during the lockdown.

We look forward to seeing you again and we would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have about the steps that we have taken to keep you safe in our office.  To schedule an appointment please contact our office at 403-282-3380.

We thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your support of our office.  We greatly value your trust in us and your loyalty to us and we look forward to serving you again.

Dr. J. Schmidt and the West Campus Dental team

Call Us at (403) 282-3380 to contact us today!

Our Hours

Monday to Thursday
7:30am to 4:00pm

By Appointment Only

Our Location

#4 Yamnuska Hall
3500 - 24th Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 4V5
403.282.3380 info@westcampusdental.ca