In the past, the only way to correct dental imperfections in a tooth was to cover the tooth with a crown. Today, in most cases there are several alternatives: crown placement,  composite resin bonding or porcelain veneer placement, or even cosmetic contouring or orthodontics.

veneers-featuredSo what is a veneer?

A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain or plastic that is bonded to a tooth to improve its color and shape. A veneer generally covers only the front and the biting edge of a tooth. Veneers can be used to close spaces between teeth, to lengthen small or misshapen teeth, or to whiten stained or dark teeth.

When teeth are chipped or beginning to wear, veneers can protect them from damage and restore their original appearance.

What are veneers used for?

  • Teeth that are slightly crooked or stained
  • Chipped teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Teeth that are different lengths

About Porcelain Veneers

Click to view About Porcelain Veneers Movie

Veneers can be the ultimate smile makeover treatment!

Having a dazzling, balanced smile is possible, thanks to porcelain veneers. Since veneers fit over the front of the teeth, they transform the smile by completely concealing imperfections.

Veneers can be the solution for numerous aesthetic flaws

Porcelain veneers camouflage numerous cosmetic problems, making them an option for a wide range of patients. Chips, cracks, discoloration, and misalignment are among the flaws that veneers can cover.

Angela’s Story

Click to view Angela's Story Movie

Veneers can be an alternative to orthodontic treatment

Many people are dissatisfied with their smile’s alignment, but they avoid seeking treatment because they don’t want traditional braces. In some instances, porcelain dental veneers can be specially fitted to re-shape crooked teeth that might otherwise require orthodontics.

Compatible with other dental treatments

Although porcelain veneers are often all that is needed for a smile makeover, they are also compatible with other dental treatments. For example, they can be placed in combination with teeth whitening, a full-mouth reconstruction, or certain types of orthodontic treatment to completely repair and enhance a patient’s smile.

How do we restore teeth with veneers?

It can take two or more appointments to restore teeth with veneers. During the first appointment, we reduce and carefully shape the front surface and the biting surface of each tooth. We then take impressions of your teeth which we use to make precise working models of your mouth. It is on these models that we artistically craft the veneers to accurately fit on the prepared teeth.

During the second appointment, we clean and polish the prepared teeth. Then we use an adhesive to permanently bond the veneers to the teet A high-intensity curing  light hardens the adhesive. Once in place, veneers virtually become part of your teeth!  While you must be careful with extremely hard foods,  you can otherwise use the veneered teeth like you would your own teeth because the bond is extremely strong. The final result is beautiful and natural-looking teeth.

Follow Up Care

It can take time for you to get used to the appearance and feel of your new teeth.  However, you won’t have to change the way you floss or brush. Nonetheless, you should not:

  • Bite your nails or chew on pens, ice or other hard objects such as rib bones
  • Put extreme pressure on your teeth

Doing any of these things could cause the veneers to come off, break or chip. Once they are put in place on your teeth, Dr. Schmidt will often ask you to come back in a few weeks so that he can check the veneers to ensure that there are no problems, particularly with your bite.

Call us at (403) 282-3380 to contact us today!

Our Hours

Monday to Thursday
7:30am to 4:00pm

By Appointment Only

Our Location

#4 Yamnuska Hall
3500 - 24th Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 4V5
403.282.3380 in**@we**************.ca